예수사랑 교실
카테고리 없음
[스크랩] 엘리야의 반석 (chicago choir)
2010. 5. 23. 01:27
1부의 마지막 곡이었던 엘리야의 반석 (Elijah Rock) 이라는 흑인영가입니다.
이 합창단의 실력을 유감없이 보여준 멋진 노래였습니다.
그것도 무반주로.
이상으로 대덕TV에 올리는 실황은 그만할까 하는데요.
혹시 프로그램 중 다시 보고 싶으신 것이 있으면 댓글 남겨주세요.
Elijah rock shout shout
Elijah rock comin' up Lord
Elijah rock shout shout
Elijah rock comin' up Lord
Elijah, Elijah
Elijah, Elijah
Satan is a liar and a conjure too
If you don't watch (mind) out
He'll conjure you
If I could I sho'ly would
Stand on the rock where Moses stood
Ezekiel said he saw him
Wheel in the mid' of a wheel
John talked about him
Book of the seven seals
Some say the Rose of Sharon
Others say the Prince of Peace
But I can tell everybody (this ol' world)
He's been a rock and a shelter for me
You can call my rock in the mornin'
Call him late at night
He's always with me
And all my battles He'll fight
When I'm in trouble
I can call him on the line
He put a telephone in my heart
And I can call God anytime
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